Smash Night
Surprise! It’s Smash night! 🔨
Dust off your skills and your controllers, and come join us around 8pm for some nostalgia, fun, and deadly competition 🎮

Cask Thirds
All Weekend! Friday to Sunday or Soldout! Come by for a rotating cask on the 3rd weekend of the month.

BEER Mile + Kari-Oke Night
We teamed up with the Toronto Gaymers (@torontogaymers) and our beloved host @karigejohnson.
Free, just bring your pipes, get some pints, and SING.

Sunday Gayme Brew
Your friendly monthly board game night hosted by the @torontogaymers!

McGill alumni social
The McGill Alumni Association of Toronto invites you to a special alumni social

Smash Night
Surprise! It’s Smash night! 🔨
Dust off your skills and your controllers, and come join us around 8pm for some nostalgia, fun, and deadly competition 🎮

Kari-Oke Night
We teamed up with the Toronto Gaymers (@torontogaymers) and our beloved host @karigejohnson.
Free, just bring your pipes, get some pints, and SING.

STEADFAST LIVE Presents Isaak Bonk with classic Jazz and Blues and a cool guitar duo perfect for a winter Saturday night.

Cask Thirds
All Weekend! You love a cask, we love a cask, come by for a rotating one on the 3rd weekend of the month.